45 rue Buffon
75005 Paris
Responsibilities inside unit
I am in charge of promoting research on macroecology. It is a transversal position in ISYEB, in which I work with different taxonomists, phylogeneticists and evolutionary biologists aiming at answering major questions about the distribution, evolution and conservation of biodiversity. My main role is to define the protocols, identify or develop the adequate methods and procedures to answer the proposed questions.
For doing this work I often rely on data of systematic and occurrence from the Museum’s collections, and on data available in mega-databases.
I am particularly interested in the following issues:
- Conservation of phylogenetic diversity as a means of maintenance of options from biodiversity to future generations
- The importance of Natural History Collections as a resource for the science aiming to understand/halt and reverse the impacts of global changes
- The biodiversity of the Anthropocene : the impacts of the Alien Invasive Species on local faunas and floras.
Responsibilities outside unit
- National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Lead author of the working group on the Invasive Alien Species for the European Union and Member States to the COP 15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
- Coordinator of the working group on the Invasive Alien Species for the European Union and Member States to the SBSTTA 24 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
- Lead author of the working group on the Invasive Alien Species for the European Union and Member States to the SBSTTA 24 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
- Member of the IUCN SSC Phylogenetic Diversity Task Force
Programmée la semaine du 20 au 24 mars sur le site du Jardin des Plantes.
Toutes les informations sur les inscriptions ainsi que le programme sont disponibles sur le lien ci-dessous :
I grew up in Brazil and studied at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, where I got a master in Ecology and a PhD in Geography. After my PhD I moved to Paris to work in this research team, where I had the opportunity of developing researches on phylogenetic, systematics and evolutionary biology. These experiences gave me the familiarity with several disciplinary fields, which is indispensable to develop my present work.
Lab News
- I am happy to share the replay of the side-event on « The tree of life: Conserving our evolutionary heritage to ensure benefits for future generations » that happened during the SBSTTA 24 à Geneva on March 26th.
Now in Geneva attending the SBSTTA 24, in my role of French delegate responsible for the item on Invasive Alien Species.
Everything is ready for the side-event on the Conservation of the Tree of Life that I am organizing with my colleagues from the Phylogenetic Diversity Task Force during the SBSTTA 24
We expect to mobilize CBD parties to the need of a Headline Indicator for this fundamental biodiversity variable.
- It is a big pleasure to announce that the book « Natural History Collections: An Essential Resource for Science in 21st Century » is now published.
- Happy to announce the publication the book « Les Collections Naturalistes Dans La Science Du XXIe Siècle : Une Ressource Durable Pour La Science Ouverte ».
« Systématique, macroécologie et biogéographie des blattes du genre Monastria endémique de la forêt Atlantique Brésilienne. »
- TARLI, Vitor Dias (2018) - Roseli Pellens (50%) Philippe Grandcolas (50%)
« Systématique, évaluation et amélioration des connaissances sur la biodiversité. »
- Maram CAESAR (2017) –Roseli Pellens (50%) Philippe Grandcolas (50%) (ISYEB)
« Intégration du Protocole de Nagoya dans la législation française pour la biodiversité. »
- Louise LUCAS (2016) – Roseli Pellens (75%) Philippe Grandcolas (50%)
1. Maram CAESAR (2019 – 2021) - Caractérisation taxonomique de la faune de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Financement l’Office Français pour la Biodiversité. Projet en collaboration avec Philippe Grandcolas (ISYEB), Hervé Jourdan (IMBE/IRD Nouméa) & Olivier Gargominy (UMS Patrinat) (encadrement à 60%).
a. (2017-2018) Déterminants du microendémisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Financement Programme PAUSE et MNHN - collaboration avec Philippe Grandcolas (encadrement à 60%).
2. Anne Daubéarnès (2021) – Le signal phylogénétique du risque d’extinction des plantes vasculaires. Financement MNHN. Projet en collaboration avec Thomas Haevermans et Serge Muller (ISYEB); (encadrement à 40%)
3. Anna KONDRATYEVA (2020) - Les espèces exotiques envahissantes en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Financement l’Office Français pour la Biodiversité. Projet en collaboration avec Philippe Grandcolas (ISYEB), Hervé Jourdan (IMBE/IRD Nouméa) & Olivier Gargominy (UMS Patrinat) (encadrement à 60%).
4. Anne-Christine MONNET (2018-2020) - Caractérisation des disharmonies de la faune et de la flore des iles du Pacifique. Financement MNHN – ATER - collaboration avec Thomas Haevermans et Philippe Grandcolas (ISYEB) (encadrement à 60%).
5. Laetitia CARRIVE (2020) – Étude de la rareté chez les plantes vasculaires en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Financement MNHN collaboration avec Thomas Haevermans et Serge Muller (encadrement à 40%).
6. Simon VERON (2017 – 2019) - Patterns de diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des Monocots : une nouvelle approche à l’étude de l’insularité à l’échelle globale. Financement Labex BC-Div - collaboration avec Thomas Haevermans (ISYEB) et Maud Mouchet (CESCO) (encadrement à 40%).
7. Dulce Gilson MANTUANO (2016 - 2019) Relation entre les traits morphologiques et fonctionnels des Araceae en Amérique du Sud. Financement l’Université Fédérale do Rio de Janeiro, - collaboration avec Thomas Haevermans (encadrement à 50%).
8. Vanessa INVERNON (2016-2019). Mise à jour la base de données sur la flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie de l’Herbier de Paris - collaboration avec Serge Muller et Thomas Haevermans Encadrement scientifique (30%).
- I am now working on the project « Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity of Plants in Islands ». This project is done in collaboration with Thomas Haevermans and Maud Mouchet Cesco funded by Labex BCDiv. Simon Veron was the post-doc selected to work on this project. Soon we will have more information about his achievements.
- I am happy to announce that the book “Phylogenetic Systematics and Biodiversity Conservation : preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis ” is now published. An open access version is available here in the Springer website
Dan Faith from Australian Museum is in my lab until April 7th. He is an Invited Professor in a project granted by LabEx BCDiv/MNHN held by myself and Sandrine Pavoine.
He will animate our Journal Club on the 25th and will as well to make a lecture on the Seminaire of ISYEB on the 29th .
If you want to discuss about Phylogenetic Diversity, Functional Trait diversity, and many other questions related to Biodiversity please contact me.
Congratulations to the colleagues involved in the realization of The Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (TCBF). Due to this enormous effort now we can find a list with more than 116 thousand species of the brazilian Fauna online.
I am happy to participate to this endeavor as the coordinator responsible for the group Blattaria.
- 2024 — « Capítulo 23: Blattaria Burmeister, 1829 » in Insetos do Brasil: Diversidade e Taxonomia. 2ª ed... , ,,ISBN978-65-5633-046-4
- 2023 — Indicators to monitor the status of the tree of life. Conservation Biology vol. 37, n° 6, e14138,ISSN0888-8892, 1523-1739
- December 2021 — Natural History Collections in the Science of the 21st Century: A Sustainable Resource for Open Science. , , dir. Wiley 10.1002/9781119882237,ISBN978-1-78945-049-1 978-1-119-88223-7
- October 2021 — High evolutionary and functional distinctiveness of endemic monocots in world islands. Biodiversity and Conservation vol. 30, n° 12, p. 3697-3715,ISSN0960-3115, 1572-9710
- 2021 — Global Plant Extinction Risk Assessment Inform Novel Biodiversity Hotspots. Plant Biology vol. Préprint, ,,
- 2021 — « Utilisation des grands jeux de données naturalistes pour répondre aux enjeux scientifiques et sociétaux actuels. » in Les collections naturalistes dans la science du XXI siècle.. vol. chapitre 18, 1st ed. , dir. ISTE Editions p. 298-320,ISBN10.51926/ISTE.9049.ch18
- 2021 — « Les collections naturalistes pour la recherche scientifique du XXIe siècle et au-delà. » in Les collections naturalistes dans la science du XXIesiècle.. vol. Chapitre 21, , dir. ISTE Editions p. 359-373,ISBN10.51926/ISTE.9049
- 2021 — « Les collections naturalistes : une ressource essentielle pour la science du XXIe siècle » in Les collections naturalistes dans la science du XXIe siècle.. , , dir. ISTE Group p. 7-18,ISBN978-1-78948-049-8
- 2021 — « Natural History Collections: An Essential Resource for Science in 21st Century. » in Natural History Collections in the Science of the 21st Century: A Sustainable Resource for Open Science.. vol. ch.1, , dir. Wiley p. 1-12,ISBN978-1-78945-049-1
- 2021 — « Collections for Scientific Research in the 21st Century and Beyond » in Natural History Collections in the Science of the 21st Century: A Sustainable Resource for Open Science.. vol. ch.21, , dir. Wiley p. 359-372,