57 rue Cuvier
75005 Paris
Responsibilities inside unit
In charge with Romain Nattier of the “Journal Club” ISYEB
- Depuis 1998, j’effectue mes enseignements à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) où j’ai été responsable jusqu’en juin 2016 de l’organisation de l’option “Biologie des Organismes”, dans le service de préparation au concours de l’agrégation en Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre. Je continue à enseigner dans cette formation, en licence de biologie et en master.
- Thèses
- 2015 Co-direction de la thèse ED 227 de Lucile Rabeau ; “Diversité et radiations évolutives dans le genre d’hépatqieus Riccia approches phylogénétiques et intégratives.”
- Co-encadrement thèse de Siméon Goudjo-Abalo-Loko, Togo :”Systématique et répartition des hépatiques (Marchantiophyta) du Togo”
- Encadrement d’étudiants de master :
- 2016-2017 : master SEP Gwenaëlle Saulnier, “Analyse et comparaison morphométrique de trois espèces d’Hyménophyllacées”
- 2015 : master1 SEP Lucie Garnier “Analyse de Analyse morphométrique d’organismes ramifiés et comparaison de la variabilité interspécifique de deux espèces de Riccardia de Guadeloupe”.
- 2015 : master2 Djibril Diop “Délimitation moléculaire des Riccia (Ricciaceae) d’Éthiopie de l’Ouest malgache”.
- 2013 : master2 SEP Lucile Rabeau “Phylogénie du genre Riccardia (Aneuraceae)”.
- L’association naturaliste Timarcha, qui vise à former les étudiants à la biologie de terrain en proposant sorties, stages et voyages naturalistes est un engagement personnel depuis 1997. Membre fondateur, j’en suis la présidente d’honneur et je continue à encadrer plusieurs sorties par an.
Research activities :
I am interested in bryophytes systematics, especially thalloid liverworts (Aneuraceae and Marchantiideae, Marchantiophyta). I focus on integrative approaches using various methods and tools : morpho-anatomy, molecular approaches, morphometry. Biogeography, origin of the flora and endemism are also fascinating questions on which I expect to work more.
I mainly work on bryophytes from Madagascar, overlooked and needing significant systematics improvements. But I also study Neotropics plants and beyond in my favorite systématics groups (Aneuraceae).
I am also interested in patterns recognition in branching plants, and I initiated a software, Morphosnake, in order to analyze them.
I participate to the flora of ferns of Madagascar and conducted some studies on fern ecology in Madagascar.
Research on the field - field trips :
- 2019 August - ecological survey of ferns in Isalo Massif, Madagascar. A participative science project with students from Paris and Madagascar.
- 2018 October - bryophytes inventory of the Andasibe area, following GBIF-BID BRYOTAN workshop.
- Dec 2017-Jan. 2018 : bryophytes survey and aquatic coleoptera protocole testing for Rado Andriamirado’s PHD. Ankaratra, Parc National de Ranomafana, reast coast around Mananjary.
- 2016 November - Namoroka expedition. Bryophytes collection in the Namoroka tsingy.
- 2016 May-June - Mission Riccia Team 2016, Lucile Rabeau ‘s PHD. From May 12 to June 16 2016. Exploration and inventory of Ibity, Andringitra, Isalo, South Makay areas.
- 2015 November - Antrema reserve, bryophytes collection
- 2014 December - 2015 January – Bryological exploration of the National Parc of Zahamena, Madagascar, Ainazo Andriamanantena PHD.
- 2012 – Bryological inventory and participative science in the reserves of Vohimana and Maromizaha, Alaotra-Mangoro, Timarcha field trip
- 2011 – Fern and bryological exploration of the Makay Massif, Atsimo-Andrefana.
- 2010 – Bryological survey of the reserve de Vohimana, Alaotra-Mangoro.
- 2010 – Bryological survey of Massif du Makirovana, Sava (Missouri Botanical Garden).
- 2008 – Survey of ferns and lycophytes from the Vohimana reserve, Alaotra-Mangoro.
- 2006 – Survey of ferns and lycophytes from the Vohimana reserve, Alaotra-Mangoro. Timarcha field trip.
- 2011 – ETHIOPIA Bryological and entomological survey, Balé massif and Choké massif, Ethiopia.
- 2008-2015 - GUADELOUPE, West Indies Several trips to Guadeloupe, (bryoflora survey) in collaboration with Elisabeth Lavocat-Bernard.
- 2008 –GUADELOUPE, West Indies, Collaboration on Hymenohyllaceae (filmy ferns) ecological data aquisition.
- 2005 –LA REUNION Collaboration on Hymenohyllaceae (filmy ferns) ecological data aquisition., with J.Y. DUbuisson.
- 2003 – FRENCH GUYANA Particpative science with 17 students, Timarcha field trip.Réserve de l’Amana, Guyane.
Projets en cours :
- Délimitation moléculaire des espèces, Barcode, haploweb, coalescence pour les genres Riccardia et Riccia et plus largement des hépatiques à thalle en Afrique, Océan indien, Antilles.
- Phylogénie du genre Riccardia à l’échelle mondiale, collaboration avec le Nees Institut de Bonn. Hypothèses sur la divergence des clades et l’évolution des caractères.
- Exploration de la morphométrie et de l’architecture des organismes ramifiés, participation au développement d’un logiciel d’analyse en collaboration avec l’équipe de bio-informatique de l’Université d’Amsterdam de Jaap Kandorp. Le développement est assuré par Frederik Jannson.
- Initiation du projet de flore des bryophytes de Madagascar, et révision des herbiers de bryophytes de Paris (PC).
Thalloid plants, which are only represented by a tissue lamina are very polymorphic. Characters are aften unstable and strongly depend on the ecological context. Through this project we aim to precise thalloid systematics in an integrative taxonomy context in order to answer further to evolutive questions regarding characters evolution, biogeography, radiation and endemism.
The integrative approach has been developped using molecular species delimitation, for Aneuraceae (PHD 2014) and for Ricciaceae (Rabeau’s PHD 2019). We aim to continue to develop these approaches for other liverowrts or mosses taxa, expecially in the context of the previous MADBRYO project.
Lucile Rabeau’s PHD (2019): Diversity and evolution in liverwort genus Riccia (Ricciaceae, Marchantiidae): integrative and phylogenetic approaches with a focus on southern Africa and western Indian Ocean.
…coming soon…
- 2024 — Diversity and distribution of ferns and clubmosses in the eastern canyons of Isalo National Park, Madagascar. Background and aims – In contrast to the flowering plants, the pteridophyte flora of Madagascar is still understudied. While… Plant Ecology and Evolution vol. 157, n° 1, p. 3-19 tex.eissn: 2032-3921 tex.orcid-numbers: Marline, Lovanomenjanahary/0000-0002-6181-0440 tex.unique-id: WOS:001230525700002,ISSN2032-3921, 2032-3913
- September 2023 — Ferns and clubmosses in the eastern canyons of Isalo National Park Diversity and distribution of ferns (Filicophytes) and clubmosses (Lycophytes) in the eastern canyons of Isalo National Park, Madagascar, Diversité et distribution des gougères et lycophyt. Background and aims-In contrast to the flowering plants, the pteridophyte flora of Madagascar is still understudied. While… , ,,
- 2022 — The genus Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. (Marchantiophyta) in Madagascar. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 43, n° 5, p. 65-106,
- 2022 — The genus Plagiochila (Dumort.) Dumort. (Marchantiophyta) in Madagascar. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 43, n° 5, p. 65-106,
- 2022 — An integrative taxonomic revision of Aneuraceae H.Klinggr. (Marchantiophyta) from Guadeloupe and Martinique, French West Indies. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 43, n° 8, p. 135-152,
- 2022 — An integrative taxonomic revision of Aneuraceae H.Klinggr. (Marchantiophyta) from Guadeloupe and Martinique, French West Indies. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 43, n° 8, p. 135-152,
- August 2021 — Insights on Ethiopian montane ground beetles biodiversity: Taxonomic study of afro-alpine and sub-alpine Trechini (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae). Based on collaborative work of a French-Ethiopian team, we investigated the diversity and distribution of Ethiopian trechine… Journal of Insect Biodiversity vol. 27, n° 1, p. 1-70 ISBN: 2538-1318 Publisher: Magnolia Press Type: 10.12976/jib/2021.27.1.1,ISSN2147-7612, 2538-1318
- 2021 — Notes on the bryophytes of Madagascar 5: new records from old collections. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 42, n° 15, p. 205-211,
- 2021 — Notes on the bryophytes of Madagascar 5: new records from old collections. Cryptogamie Bryologie vol. 42, n° 15, p. 205-211,
- 2021 — AN UPDATE ON THE MADBRYO PROJECT , A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT ON MALAGASY BRYOPHYTES. Acta Biologica Plantarum Agriensis vol. 9, n° 1, p. 48,ISSN20616716, 20636725