2023 — Persisting roadblocks in arthropod monitoring using non-destructive metabarcoding from collection media of passive traps. Background
Broad-scale monitoring of arthropods is often carried out with passive traps ( e.g., Malaise traps) that can… PeerJ vol. 11, , e16022 Number: e16022 tex.orcid-numbers: Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos/0000-0003-2278-2368 Monaghan, Michael T/0000-0001-6200-2376 Mbedi, Susan/0000-0002-9633-5045 BEZIER, Annie/0000-0002-2528-4260 tex.researcherid-numbers: Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos/GZM-0358-2022 BEZIER,