Projet de thèse : « Etude de l’évolution des interactions moléculaires chez les eucaryotes par des méthodes de comparaison de réseaux dans le but d’identifier des processus ancestraux partagés associés au vieillissement »
Encadrant ISYEB : Eric Bapteste
- 2024 — Most genetic roots of fungal and animal aging are hundreds of millions of years old according to phylostratigraphy analyses of aging networks.. GEROSCIENCE , ,,ISSN2509-2715
- 2024 — Most genetic roots of fungal and animal aging are hundreds of millions of years old according to phylostratigraphy analyses of aging networks.. GeroScience , ,,
- 2023 — Interactomics: dozens of viruses, co-evolving with humans, including the influenza A virus, may actively distort human ageing. Abstract Some viruses (e.g. HIV-1, SARS-CoV-2) have been experimentally proposed to accelerate features of human ageing and of… MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION vol. 40, n° 2, msad012,ISSN0737-4038