Entité de rattachement
Morpho-Anatomie et Développement des Plantes (MADP)


isabel.le-disquet [at] mnhn.fr
01 40 79 33 49

12 rue Buffon
75005 Paris


  • Deroin Thierry, Dejonghe Quentin & Le Disquet Isabel, 2024The Raymond Benoist microslide library of woods of French Guiana at the Herbarium of Paris (P): restoration and comments. Adansonia - Publications scientifiques du Muséum vol. 46, n° 9, p. 79-87
  • de Micco Veronica, Aronne Giovanna, Caplin Nicol, Carnero-Diaz Eugénie, Herranz Raúl, Horemans Nele, Legué Valérie, Medina F Javier, Pereda-Loth Veronica, Schiefloe Mona, de Francesco Sara, Izzo Luigi Gennaro, Le Disquet Isabel & Kittang Ann-Iren, 2023Perspectives for plant biology in Space and analogue environments. NPJ Microgravity , , Publisher: Nature Publishing Group tex.hal_id: hal-04045474 tex.hal_version: v1
  • de Micco Veronica, Aronne Giovanna, Caplin Nicol, Carnero-Diaz Eugénie, Herranz Raúl, Horemans Nele, Legué Valérie, Medina F Javier, Pereda-Loth Veronica, Schiefloe Mona, de Francesco Sara, Izzo Luigi Gennaro, Le Disquet Isabel & Kittang Ann-Iren, 2023Perspectives for plant biology in Space and analogue environments. NPJ Microgravity , ,
  • Institut de Systématique Évolution Biodiversité (ISYEB) MuséumNational d’Histoire Naturelle Centre National de la RechercheScientifique (CNRS) Sorbonne Université EPHE, Deroin T., Offroy B., Chapard A. & Le Disquet I., décembre 2018Enhancement of the Botanical Micro-Slide Library of Philippe Van Tieghem at the Herborium of Paris (P): Historical Significance, Restoration and Prospects". Visnyk of Lviv University. Biological series , n° 78, p. 20-24
    02065657, 20755236
  • Deroin T., Offroy B., Chapard A. & Le Disquet I., 2018Enhancement of the botanical micro-slide library of Philippe Van Tieghem at the Herbarium of Paris (P): Historical significance, restoration and prospects.. Visnyk of the Lviv University, Series Biology vol. 78, , p. 20-24
    ISSN 0206-5657
  • Boucheron-Dubuisson Elodie, Manzano Ana I., Le Disquet Isabel, Matía Isabel, Sáez-Vasquez Julio, van Loon Jack J. W. A., Herranz Raúl, Carnero-Diaz Eugénie & Medina F. Javier, 2016Functional alterations of root meristematic cells of Arabidopsis thaliana induced by a simulated microgravity environment. Journal of Plant Physiology vol. 207, , p. 30-41
  • Ben Rejeb Kilani, Lefebvre-De Vos Delphine, Le Disquet Isabel, Leprince Anne-Sophie, Bordenave Marianne, Maldiney Régis, Jdey Asma, Abdelly Chedly & Savouré Arnould, 2015Hydrogen peroxide produced by NADPH oxidases increases proline accumulation during salt or mannitol stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist vol. 208, n° 4, p. 1138-1148
  • Kittang A. -I., Iversen T. -H., Fossum K. R., Mazars C., Carnero-Diaz E., Boucheron-Dubuisson E., Le Disquet I., Legué V., Herranz R., Pereda-Loth V. & Medina F. J., 2014Exploration of plant growth and development using the European Modular Cultivation System facility on the International Space Station. Plant Biology vol. 16, n° 3, p. 528-538
  • Mazars Christian, Brière Christian, Grat Sabine, Pichereaux Carole, Rossignol Michel, Pereda-Loth Veronica, Eche Brigitte, Boucheron-Dubuisson Elodie, Le Disquet Isabel, Medina Francisco Javier, Graziana Annick & Carnero-Diaz Eugénie, 2014Microgravity Induces Changes in Microsome-Associated Proteins of Arabidopsis Seedlings Grown on Board the International Space Station. PLoS One vol. 9, n° 3, e91814
  • Mazars Christian, Brière Christian, Grat Sabine, Pichereaux Carole, Rossignol Michel, Pereda-Loth Veronica, Eche Brigitte, Boucheron-Dubuisson Elodie, Le Disquet Isabel, Medina Francisco-Javier, Graziana Annick & Carnero-Diaz Eugénie, 2014Microsome-associated proteome modifications of Arabidopsis seedlings grown on board the International Space Station reveal the possible effect on plants of space stresses other than microgravity. Plant Signaling & Behavior vol. 9, n° 9, e29637