Qindong TANG, postdoctorante ISYEB (collaboration Ben Warren, équipe Systématique, phylogéographie, Évolution, Conservation SPEC)

Qindong TANG nous présentera son projet de recherche: "Unravelling Cryptic Radiation and High-Altitude Adaptation in a Migratory Bird Species Complex"

Abstract: Biodiversity is often accompanied with drastic phenotypic diversity. Morphological differentiation can play a crucial role in the process of speciation, such as during adaptive radiation that ecological and phenotypic diversity evolved within rapidly multiplying lineages. However, there is a considerable proportion of biodiversity that is constituted of cryptic species which are defined as evolutionary lineages with restricted gene flow that do not form diagnostic morphological clusters. Our understanding of cryptic diversity and mechanisms underlying the evolution of new species without distinguished morphological differentiation remains limited. I am going to present my work focusing on the cryptic diversification of two migratory bird species complexes, pale sand martin Riparia diluta and collared sand martin Riparia riparia, with the aim of understanding the processes and mechanisms that lead to morphologically cryptic divergence and maintain genetic partitioning. The genome-wide data revealed cryptic radiation within pale sand martin species complex and revealed their genomic adaptation for high altitudes. I hypothesize that pronounced dispersal propensity in the strongly migratory nominate form of collared sand martin has hindered lineage divergence across its vast distribution range, while differential seasonal migratory behaviour contributes to maintain evolutionary diversity in the pale sand martin species complex. Furthermore, my work indicated adaptive introgression can facilitate migratory bird to colonize new environment. 


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ID de réunion : 321 294 552 331

Code secret : LrL9NH


Nous cherchons des intervenants à partir de Juin 2024, pour des séminaires de 35-50 minutes le mardi de 12h30 à 13h30.

Pour la validation en tant que module de l'école doctorale, contactez-nous.

Les séminaires passés enregistrés sont visionnables sur la chaine Youtube de l’ISYEB : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzeFk4v_JcyK-N-H-1U19Bg


Séminaires ultérieurs prévisionnels (à titre indicatif) : 27 juin (Christopher J. Clark, California Univ). 


Publié le : 23/05/2024 09:21 - Mis à jour le : 23/05/2024 09:42

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