Martin KAPUN, Bioinformaticien en Génomique au Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Vienne (Partenaire TETTRIs). 

Martin présentera son projet : "Multilocus Amplicon-Seq with ONT NGS of Syrphid hoverflies". 


Recent advances in sequencing technologies facilitate simultaneous sequencing of millions of DNA fragments in a highly parallelized and cost-efficient manner. In particular, recently developed third generation sequencing methods allow to sequence long DNA fragments, which makes it possible to simultaneously obtain sequence information from whole PCR amplicons for hundreds of samples that can be used for quantitative DNA barcoding. However, the application of these approaches is still often challenged by high sequencing error rates and complexity of the data, which requires advanced bioinformatics know-how to address these problems. In the project that we conceived as part of the TETTRIs consortium, we aim to alleviate these challenges by developing a simple, yet powerful combination of wet lab and bioinformatic tools to analyse closely related taxa based on multiple PCR markers. Our pipeline allows to reconstruct phased consensus sequences from multiplexed multi-locus PCR amplicons sequenced with Oxford Nanopore technology and provides phylogenetic analysis methods and species identification by comparison to the BOLD database. In this seminar, I will describe the wet lab procedures to optimize multiplexed PCR amplification of multiple nuclear and mitochondrial markers and will demonstrate the application of our approach to the phylogenetic analysis of Austrian Syrphid hoverflies.

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ID de réunion : 330 825 114 818

Code secret : ADuTtf


Nous cherchons des intervenants pour le mois de Juin 2024, pour des séminaires de 35-50 minutes le mardi de 12h30 à 13h30.

  • Si vous voulez présenter ou souhaitez proposer à un de vos collaborateurs, mais que vous n'êtes pas disponible pour le faire le mardi, contactez-nous, un enregistrement est aussi possible.


  • Pour la validation en tant que module de l'école doctorale, contactez-nous.

Les séminaires passés enregistrés sont visionnables sur la chaine Youtube de l’ISYEB :


  • Séminaires ultérieurs prévisionnels (à titre indicatif)

    03 mai (Donald DAVESNE), 

    07 mai (Thomas DESVIGNES, Oregon Univ.), 

    28 mai (Qindong TANG, ISYEB). 





Publié le : 29/04/2024 10:39 - Mis à jour le : 29/04/2024 10:41